Your family has been asked to participate in SKORE (Supporting Kids on the Road to Excellence) - a program under the CHINS Problem Solving Court (Child in Need of Services) in Polk/Haralson County. This is an alternative approach to the traditional court process. The Coordinator works along-side your family by using community-based resources to help overcome the challenges you face.

As the Program Coordinator, I will be your primary point of contact. I work closely with the juvenile court staff and community agency representatives to identify resources most able to meet your family's needs. These resources may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Clinical Assessments and/or Treatment
Counseling / Life Coaching
Tutoring / Peer Mentors
Job Skills Training / Assistance
Computer Literacy Training
Community Service Opportunities
Transportation Options

Please read your Agreement carefully. It outlines exactly what will be expected of you and your family members as you advance through the CHINS/SKORE program. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. I look forward to helping you and your family work through this challenging time - without having to involve the court system.

Best Regards,

Angela Moore
CHINS Problem Solving Court Coordinator
404-895-7797 Cell